Annual performance report

Delivering our promises: a summary

Our Annual Performance Report (APR) shows how we’re getting on against the commitments we made in our business plan, reflecting on our performance in year four of AMP7 (our five-year business plan running from April 2020 to March 2025). We summarise this in this short video and in our customer summary microsite.


As part of our planning for the 2020–25 period, we spoke to thousands of people across the North West to understand what service they wanted from us. This highlighted seven focus areas based on the things that customers and stakeholders told us were the most important features about the services we provide.

In order that people can see whether we are fulfilling our key promises, we have a number of targets that we must work towards each year. Like all water companies, we earn outperformance payments, or pay underperformance penalties, if we meet or fail to meet these targets. All penalties and payments are set by the regulator, Ofwat.

This year we’ve continued to deliver services that customers value, with strong levels of customer satisfaction and improvements to our operational performance.

Our performance 2023/24. Lowest no. of blockages. Safely disposed of 100% of biosolids.

We review the information we provide to customers with the YourVoice panel, whose role is to monitor our progress against our 2020–25 business plan commitments and challenge us to continue to deliver our plans. YourVoice has a direct input to our performance reports and presents its findings to our board. To read YourVoice's reflections on the year click here.

If you want to compare our performance against other water companies in England and Wales visit the Discover Water website.

We consult and publish details of our governance process and assurance plan to give customers confidence in the information we publish. Information on this can be found in our Assurance Reports.

You can download a copy of our customer summary and our full Annual Performance Report by clicking the buttons below:

Download customer summaryDownload full Annual Performance Report