APR Open data

Open data is data that anyone can access, use or share. We are again publishing our Annual Performance Report (APR) data under an open data licence in a format that can be accessed and reused by all.

Our ambition for United Utilities is to be a data-driven, open data company. That means not just using open data provided by others, but also publishing open data with a purpose, led by what our stakeholders and customers need. We know that doing this will generate value for United Utilities, the water sector, our customers and others.

Our open data follows best practice and adheres to the FAIR principles (findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable) in line with our open data strategy, which you can find here, along with other data that has been published as open data. Documents contain metadata and are published in a format that is accessible. Data tables are published in CSV format. All tables and associated metadata can be found in the dropdown list below.


We are still developing and building our approach to releasing open data. If you have any comments about this page or our approach in general, please email myview@uuplc.co.uk.

If you have queries about a specific dataset available on this page, please email myview@uuplc.co.uk. To help us respond to your query, please also let us know the dataset you are referring to.

Email myview@uuplc.co.uk

How you can use this data

This data is licensed under CC BY, an open data licence, in order to make it freely available to other potential customers, stakeholders or interested organisations. You can find out more about CC BY here.

Licensed under CC BY logoUnited Utilities Annual Performance Report by United Utilities is licensed under CC BY 4.0