Employee performance 2015 - 2020

The table below details our employee measures and targets to 2020. It reports our performance and demonstrates progress against our Business Principle commitment to support our employees to achieve their full potential in a safe workplace. 

The BITC 'race for opportunity' measure was removed from 2017/18 because it was no longer considered as an appropriate reflection of our business approach.

Performance highlights to 2020 include:

  • Reducing our reportable accident rates down - our aim is now that by 2030 no one will be harmed whilst working on our behalf
  • In 2020 our engagement increased to 84% and we outperformed the target UK Norm for each YOS-based measure

For further explanation on the measures and targets used and to understand the verification process for our data, please click on the specific measure. 

Business Principle Commitment Measure Target to 2020 2019/20 Performance 2018/19 Performance 2017/18 Performance 2016/17 Performance 2015/16 Performance 2014/15 Performance
Provide safe, secure working conditions Accident frequency rate 0.133 0.110 0.152 0.102 0.165 0.104 0.112
Provide competitive rewards to attract and retain employees and recognise high achievement Dow Jones Sustainability Index: Talent Attraction and Retention section Industry best score 69% 64   79% 93%  64%
Invest in the learning and development of our employees YOS question: I believe I have the opportunity for personal development and growth in this organisation UK transitional norm  69% 66   68% 60%  N/A
Value diversity, providing equality of opportunity and recruiting and promoting on merit BITC 'race for opportunity' level Gold status       Bronze status Bronze status N/A
Communicate openly and honestly with respect for our employees YOS question: I feel well informed about the performance of the organisation as a whole UK transitional norm 77% 72   73%  59% N/A
Enable effective employee representation to be maintained Number of formal trade disputes  Zero  Zero Zero   Zero 1 Zero
Expect our employees to live our values as part of their role YOS question: I understand United Utilities’ values (customer focus, integrity, innovation) UK transitional norm 78% 76% 74% 87% 88%  N/A