Our services

  • Field mapping generates a risk map that takes into account and shows surface waters, springs, wells and boreholes, other no-spread areas such as groundwater protection zones, SSSI’s etc. and hazards such as public rights of ways and powerlines, to ensure the area to which we apply in each field is both safe and compliant. We also generate a field by field risk assessment which also takes into account soil type, field aspect and proximity to dwellings etc. in support of the field maps. Giving us an accurate picture of the land we deliver to in terms of risk management and due diligence.

  • Soil Analysis involves us taking a standard depth soil sample based on cropping regime (7.5cm for grass, 15cm for arable) and a regulatory sample (25cm to measure PTE’s) with one of each sample type (30-40 cores) for every 5ha within each field. And we then provide an interpretation of the results in terms of pH status and the suitability of the soil in relation to using Biosolids. The samples are valid for 5 and 10 years respectively.

  • FACTS qualified advice from our team of advisors who have a wealth of farming experience and are able to provide advice on soils, cropping, application techniques, and any associated changes to the codes and regulations that affect or are relevant to Biosolids use.

  • Field management and delivery is key to our delivery process and our team ensures that even when weather and field conditions are against us, we can safely deliver and stockpile, minimising compaction and the stockpile footprint, and maintaining the integrity of field access points with our field matting vehicle and fleet of stockpiling excavators. Meaning you can take delivery of Biosolids outside of peak spreading periods to guarantee the product is in place ready for when you need it.

  • Ongoing post-delivery support means we don’t stop there, our advisors regularly monitor all the stockpiles we have ‘in field’ to make sure that they are safe and maintain their integrity. And when it’s time to spread, we record the spreading dates and make sure we have full traceability of the operation from production to spreading.