Connections Off An Existing Mains

Connections off existingWe have increased the contestable activity that we will allow accredited SLPs.

SLPs with 'CRUPMC, Construction Routine Under Pressure Mains Connections Accreditation' can apply under pressure branch connections up to 110mm off designated mains for either non-standard services or mains.

This will include under pressure connections to our existing network up to and including 110mm in size (subject to a number of criteria being met related to the host main).

25mm, 32mm, 63mm, 90mm and 110mm criteria includes:

  • Up to a 12” host main
  • Where the host main material is either DI/CI/SI/AC/PE/Barrier Pipe/Steel
  • Where a shut off is not required
  • Where the main is not considered to be strategic

To help you undersand the process of making a connection off an existing main, we have detailed the step by step process below. We also have a handy guide for you to use.

Please note that whenever you make a connection to our water network you must call our control room on 0345 672 3723 to let them know before and after the work is carried out.

  • Once you have applied we will need to get a service inspection request SIR and a possible risk assessment RA, this may take up to 28 days.

  • Once we issue your quote we will need to receive signed acceptance from you before anything else will move forward.

  • When you are ready to make your connections, you will be required to complete our Request for Permission to Work form and this is to be sent to us no less than 5 days before you intend to make the connections. We will review the information on your form and provide you with approval. You can then make your connections on an agreed date and fit the water meter (where applicable).

  • Once we have received your 'Request for work form' we will create a tracker and send to you.

  • 1 day after the connection being made a Completed Connection form must be sent to us and the SLP must notify United Utilities that the work has been completed. After 5 days you must use your tracker to inform us of the connected plots, the date of the connection and the meter serial number.

  • Guidance on metering including reporting serial numbers, tagging and our meter location policy can be found in our Meter Guide for SLP’s.

    Alternatively, if we are fitting the meter, we will contact you to arrange a time to do this. We will then register the connection and meter on our billing system.