Pumping Station Adoption

United Utilities promote the use of a Section 104 agreement (Water Industry Act 1991) for the adoption of sewers and waste water pumping stations that are to be built as part of a new development. Click here to make an application under s104 to apply to have your sewers adopted

Sewers and pumping stations must be built in accordance with the current standards. These standards are both the nations Design and Constriction Guidance (DCG) which can be found here under section D. As well as this like moste wastewater undertakers United Utilities have their own local practice for the standards required to enable the adoption of a pumping Station in the form or our Pumping Station Addendum available under the local practice tab on our Sewer Adoptions Page or here as PDFs:

Pumping Station local practice guide

United Utilities Pumping Station Addendum

If you would like to offer any newly-constructed sewers and pumping stations for adoption by us as public sewers, our Developer Services team will assist in guiding you through the process, and will ensure that the assets meet the required standards.

Codes for adoption

From the 01 April 2020, Ofwat introduced a new standard practice across the water industry in England which covers the adoption of newly constructed sewers. The new process is outlined in the Water UK’s new Sewerage Sector Guidance (SSG) which replaced the ‘Sewers for Adoption’ guidance.