Bathing waters map

Our interactive map allows you to browse all 29 bathing waters in the North West, and find information on water quality as well as details about each beach between May and September - the official bathing water season. At some of these beaches we also provide more information on the potential risks to water quality from our combined sewer overflows. You can find more information on our interactive map here.

30 results

Busy ports, famous beaches, nature reserves and miles of unspoilt land – the North West coast, which stretches from the Wirral peninsular in the south to Gretna in the north, is as diverse as it is long. There are 29 beaches designated as bathing waters for swimming or paddling. But our much loved coastal region is also much used. With a population of around 7 million, thousands of visitors flocking to the area every week, and numerous industrial sites, the region serves many needs. That’s why we're determined to help keep this precious area clean and safe.