How do I know which sewer I should connect to?

There are 3 types of sewers: foul water, surface water and combined sewers.

If you’re unsure which sewer to connect to, the sewerage network plans will guide you and your contractor on the best option available.

A number of providers offer a paid for mapping service including United Utilities. To find out how to purchase a sewer and water plan from United Utilities, please visit the Property Searches website.

You can also view the plans for free. To make an appointment to view our sewer records at your local authority please contact them direct, alternatively if you wish to view the water and the sewer records at our Lingley Mere offices based in Warrington please ring 0370 751 0101 to book an appointment.

Due to the public sewer transfer in 2011, not all sewers are currently shown on the statutory sewer records and we do not always show private pipes on our plans.

A drainage survey may be needed to check what is available to you. You should discuss this with your contractor and identify where to connect and the type of connection you need.

When we receive your application, we'll assess your proposal and will either approve it or give you advice as to why it cannot be approved.