
At United Utilities we believe it's important to recognise individuals who deliver excellent service. We do this in collaboration with The WOW! Awards employee recognition programme.
If you've received a great experience, please take a moment to complete the form below and let us know if one of our employees should be recognised.

All fields marked with an asterisk are required.
Your nomination
Who are you nominating today?

If you are unsure of the employee surname enter a # after the first name and we will do the rest.

Clicking this button adds an extra field so you can nominate more than one person at the same time. When used, focus will move to the new field for you.

Tell us what made your experience special, memorable or unique. Have a look at our guide on writing nominations with top tips.

How would you summarise your nomination? Eg. ‘Absolute superstar!’

Your details

We require these details to help ensure nominations are authentic.

Your name
Taking care of your data

Your nomination will be processed by The WOW! Awards, and any information you've chosen to provide will be shared with United Utilities and the person/team you nominated. With your permission, we may use your data online and/or in our communications. We will never sell your data to third parties, and you will never be added to any marketing lists without express consent.